Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stress Management

What is Stress?

The Dictionary meaning of stress is any affair requiring mental or physical energy. It is a condition which causes perturbation of both mental and physical health of Individual. It is a demand of circumstances on mind when mind tries to adjust with continual changes in life. Stress is not synonymous to negative conditions.

When we feel stress?

Everyone whether men, women or child suffers from stress at one or other point in their lives. We feel stress when we are dealing with our family problems. We feel stress when we are facing financial or health problems. We feel stress when we got stuck in traffic. Children feel stress in our school age and employees feel stress due to increasing workload.

How body manages stress?

Every person manages stress by their own methods. The way the person faces the stress situation depends upon the hormones. In stress situations the brain prepares for offence or defense by secreting stress hormones – adrenaline and cortisone. These hormones increase blood pressure and prepare body to take actions in the situations. When we are able to handle stress situations the hormones in the blood are used up and results in reduce of stress effects. But if we fail to handle the stress situation the hormones are not used up then results in stress related
problems rapid heartbeats, dizziness and tense muscles. Stress can cause
irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, backaches, eating disorder, insomnia, allergies, fatigue and frequent cold. It can cause disease like diabetes, heart ailments, asthma and sometimes cancer etc. The techniques which could provide relaxation form stress are like physical exercises, meditation, listening music (not all types) etc.

Stress is not a bad feeling. Experts tell us that stress in moderate doses are necessary in life. Research suggests that stress can also increase and individual performance. Stress is the best defense system for our body in dangers. In challenging situations brain secretes stress hormones that prepare a person to fight or flee. With these stress hormones only body is prepared to react in pressure situation. Stress also reminds you for the nature of experiences from your life at various crossroads. The moral is that we can also work a stress condition to protect
ourselves from dangers and use it for our advantage.

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